Thursday, April 03, 2008

The county seems to want to charge full force with this wasteful uses of our tax dollars to make an ineffective change on global warming and carbon footprint.

Please go to this meeting to state that you oppose this uncreative regulation.

Attached please find the press release for the Board of County Commissioners’ Public Hearings on BuildSmart and the Expanded TDR Programs. The materials for these hearings are posted on the Boulder County Land Use Website at the locations noted below.

April 8 public meeting scheduled for Boulder County BuildSmart and the Expanded TDR program

The County Commissioners have scheduled a two-part public meeting on Tuesday, April 8, to take public testimony and consider final recommendations for the Boulder County BuildSmart Program and the expanded Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) program.

Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Time: 5:00 p.m.
What: Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing on BuildSmart, followed immediately by a Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing on the Expanded TDR program
Where: 3rd Floor Hearing Room, Boulder County Courthouse, 1325 Pearl St., Boulder.

Boulder County BuildSmart

On January 8, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Boulder County BuildSmart program. On Tuesday, April 8, the Board will take public comment and consider the final adoption of amendments to the Boulder County Building Code to implement the Boulder County BuildSmart program. Boulder County BuildSmart is a set of building code regulations whose primary purpose is to regulate the energy efficiency of the design and construction of residential buildings in unincorporated Boulder County as well as to reduce residential construction waste, conserve residential water use, and insure proper indoor air quality within energy-efficient residential structures. See the County’s Land Use web site at (look under “What’s new in Boulder County Land Use” on the right side of the site for the BuildSmart materials) for a complete description of the program.

For questions regarding the Boulder County BuildSmart Building Code Amendments, please contact Jeff Dwight, Boulder County Building Official, at or 720-564-

Expanded Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) program

On Tuesday, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) will consider a final round of draft proposals for an expanded TDR program. In March, Land Use staff compiled a set of revisions to the last round of draft proposals based on direction they received from the BOCC at two public study sessions on March 4 and March 10, and based on input from members of the public at a public hearing on March 6.

On April 8, the BOCC will take public comments and make final recommendations on the new revisions to the proposed expanded TDR program, including amendments to the Site Plan Review standards and the designation of the Peak-to-Peak Scenic Corridor Area. The expanded TDR program is intended to ensure a varied housing stock in unincorporated Boulder County by defining structure size thresholds, above which additional development rights must be obtained to offset the impacts of larger scale homes, and below which development rights may be sold to preserve smaller homes.

Materials for discussion at the April 8th meeting are available on the County’s Land Use Web site at: (look under “What’s new in Boulder County Land Use” on the right side of the site for the Expanded TDR materials).

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