Thursday, January 30, 2014

"Productivity Secrets of Top Women CEO's"

After enjoying this article in Inc., I thought it would be a nice topic to share. How do top women CEO's keep their productivity high? Here are a few

  • Start the day with quick, 15-min huddles with top C-level executives, then your leadership team; run through any obstacles and remove them.
  • Reach out to your employees - be approachable.
  • Have a 'closed-door time' that employees can work uninterrupted.
  • Resolve problems, both big and small, right away.
  • Don't micromanage.
  • Follow strict daily routines.
  • Schedule your social media.
  • Delegate!
Read more at the Productivity Secrets of Top Women CEO's. And keep in touch, sharing ideas is a key way to learn and grow your business.

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