Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New North Boulder Neighborhood

Land can be scarce in Boulder, so when Boulder County moved their fire-training center from Lee Hill to a space near the Boulder Reservoir, Allison Management and Thistle Communities jumped at the opportunity to build a new neighborhood.  The area, just south of Broadway on Lee Hill, will contain 31 single family homes ranging from 1,200 to 2,360 square feet and will be generally priced from $400,000-$600,000.  The builders are leaning towards making six of the homes comply with Boulder's affordable housing program instead of building other affordable unites offsite or paying cash in lieu. Coburn Development will be their design partner, bringing a nice mix of new design to that area. Groundbreaking should begin in March.  If you would like additional information on these, or other new construction, contact me!

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