Friday, May 03, 2013

Property Flipping Is Still Profitable

Denver is still a profitable market for property flippers (buying, rehabbing and reselling homes for a profit, usually within 90 days), ranking 25th in the country according to RealtyTrac.  Typical investors gained about a 10% gross profit in the sale of their property.  Flipping homes will continue to be favorable for investors in 2013 as home prices continue to rise.  While buying rental properties still offer a solid rate of return, even buy-and-hold investors typically flip properties periodically to fund their ongoing rental purchases.   The Boulder market is a unique real estate market, but there are still opportunities for rental investment properties and flipping, but like any area, you need to do your homework.

Chamberlin Investment Group specializes in these investment strategies.  If you'd like to learn more about investing, rental market or rehabbing homes for selling, or properties that we currently have, please contact me.  I love working with new and experienced real estate investors.

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