Thursday, September 18, 2008

Denver Home Price Rise Tops 20-City List

(From an Article in the Denver Business Journal, Aug. 26, 2008)
Denver home prices show the strongest rebound of the 20 markets studied, according to the S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices. The report said home prices rose in June from a month earlier in nine cities. Denver had the biggest gain, at 1.5 percent, followed by Boston at 1.2 percent.

A separate report, by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, showed more positive news for the Denver market. Home prices in the Denver-Aurora area are up 0.38 percent in the past year. The report relies on home sales and refinancing of mortgages for its data. Home prices in Boulder were up 2.47 percent in value from a year ago, and 0.25 percent higher in the second quarter. For Colorado as a whole, prices rose by 1.82 percent in the past year and by 0.32 percent in the second quarter.

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