Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What is the difference between Built Green® Colorado and ENERGY STAR®?

Built Green Colorado, is a voluntary industry-led program created through the joint efforts of the HBA of Metro Denver, The Governor’s office of Energy Management and Conservation, Xcel Energy, and E-Star Colorado. While Energy Star and Built Green have the same energy efficiency minimum requirement – 15% above IECC 2006 – Built Green is a “green building” program, not just an energy efficiency program. The Built Green Checklist provides builders a flexible approach to building homes that provide greater energy efficiency and comfort, have improved indoor air quality, save water, preserve natural resources, and have improved durability and reduced maintenance needs. Homes are verified for compliance on a random basis by third-party verifiers.

Energy Star is a voluntary government-backed program that focuses on improved energy efficiency. New homes earn the Energy Star designation by meeting energy efficiency guidelines outlined by the U.S. EPA. The guidelines are set to exceed the IECC 2006 by 15%. Energy Star’s primary focus is on energy efficiency. Homes must be verified for compliance by third-party verifiers.

Energy Star and Built Green are compatible programs; participation in one does not exclude participation in the other. A builder can fulfill the 2007 Built Green Checklist Energy Requirement by meeting the requirements of Energy Star, and then make selections from the Checklist to address the additional components relative to IAQ, water and resource conservation, durability and reduced maintenance. Both Built Green and Energy Star use the same third-party verifiers to conduct inspections, including an insulation inspection, and blower door and duct pressurization tests. Built Green home inspections also include documentation and/or visual inspection to verify compliance with the Built Green Checklist. Please see the “List of Approved Raters” at:, to select a HERS rater to complete these inspections.

1 comment:

tdalessio said...


We couldn't have said it better ourselves! As a matter of fact, we are currently working directly with ENERGY STAR to create a more formal partnership, and have plans to institute ES criteria as the Built Green minimum energy requirement. Stay tuned for that announcement.


Traci D'Alessio
Assistant Director
Built Green Colorado