Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Honeymoon Is Over

The media has recently been reporting that the real estate market is slowing. Boulder County sales statistics substantiate these reprots with year to year sales comparison ot be off 5% and inventory of homes up by 16% in the singel family residence category. Condos & townhomes sales are virtually even but the inventory is up by 13%.

The market is increasingly strong for long-term investments, whether it's for your primary residence or a part of your financial portfolio.

Investors who purchase fix & flip properties must approach the market with caution. In the past, properties purchased at discounted prices and fixed could be resold for a tidy profit due to appreciation. In the current market, fix & flip properties need to be purchased at bargain basement prices and will most likely sell closer to current competitive pricing and linger on the market longer.

In terest rates continue to rise and the economic outlook for 2007 predicts that market conditions will be more balanced.

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