Crayons to Calculators Helps Boulder Valley Students
Start School Ready to Learn
Do you know that over 4000 students in the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) who are from low-income homes routinely begin school without adequate supplies? Not only are these students unprepared, they never experience the excitement of starting school armed with new supplies.
To ensure that these students start school prepared, Impact on Education, along with five other non-profits, is involved with Crayons to Calculators, a community-wide school supply drive for students in need. The drive is a partnership among Extras for Education, Family Learning Center, Foothills United Way, “I Have a Dream”® Foundation of Boulder County, Impact on Education and Sister Carmen Community Center. It is sponsored by the Boulder Rotary Club Foundation and Corporate Express and supported by about 15 local financial institutions, corporations and organizations.
Crayons to Calculators aims to ensure that all BVSD students start school ready to learn. But the drive needs your help. Individuals can support the drive by filling a backpack for a student in need, donating cash online or donating loose supplies at one of about 30 supply drop-off locations. To learn more, log on to or call (303) 245-5880.
You also may send a check to Crayons to Calculators, care of Impact on Education, 75 Manhattan Drive, Suite 205, Boulder, CO 80303. Together, we can ensure that all BVSD students start school prepared.
Insert taken from Boulder Valley School District Newsletter