Monday, May 05, 2008

Trial Attorneys Use Guerilla Tactic on REALTORS

Politics can get really ugly.

Trial Attorneys Use Guerilla Tactic on REALTORS®: Employing the “misery loves company strategy,” the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association filed a proposed ballot initiative to limit commissions on real estate sales. The trial lawyers did this because of a proposed ballot question which would limit their fees and used the tactic in an attempt to force REALTORS® to become their allies. The proposal would reduce commissions on the sale of homes valued above $500,000 to one percent, commissions on homes valued between $250,000 and $500,000 to three percent and leave commissions on homes valued under $250,000 at six percent. CAR immediately voiced strong opposition to the proposal and is negotiating with the trial lawyers to get the proposal withdrawn. The Colorado Trial Lawyers Association has filed nine different ballot measures, all designed to restrict professional fees or salaries of various groups. In a press release, the Executive Director said "For too long, corporate interests have been put ahead of consumer interests in this state."