Thursday, June 28, 2007


Small spaces can be warm and intimate. But if a room in your home feels more cramped than cozy, there may be a simple way to improve it.

Odette Lueck, of Odette Lueck Interiors in Oakland, Md., says the best way to stretch the size of a room is to start from the ground up. “The thing I use most is diagonal lines on the floor,” says Lueck, who suggests installing wood flooring or tiles in a diagonal line. “No matter which way you look, it’s expanding the border.”

If you’re not ready for a major project, you’d be amazed at what you can accomplish with just a few decorating tricks. First and foremost is color. To make your room appear larger, stick with neutrals and keep backgrounds (wall, furniture, draperies) the same color, says Lueck. But neutral doesn’t have to be boring. “Use your color in accessories,” says Lueck. But beware of patterns. Too many patterns can make a space seem cluttered.

Furniture placement is also important. The number of pieces should be kept to minimum and positioned against a wall. “Use glass coffee tables,” suggests Lueck. “It’s one less thing to be a solid focus in the a room.” Don’t be afraid to use a little creativity. For example, a stack of coffee table books next to chair can serve as a unique end table.

Another option is to embrace the room’s petite size. “More often than not clients
make the mistake of thinking that room always has to be larger,” says Lueck. “Small is
not necessarily bad. A lot of times, what you’re actually striving for is a more

intimate space.” To warm up a small room, include dark colors, lots of wood and plenty of cozy

Friday, June 22, 2007

The Call Of the Outdoors

If you think outdoor living simply requires a few folding chairs and a hibachi on your
back porch, think again. According to the Hearth, Patio and Barbecue
Association (HPBA), homeowners can set up
a basic outdoor living space consisting of a durable, high-performance grill, a dining area with table and chairs, lighting, a patio umbrella and a portable heater or fireplace for as little as $2,500. For larger spaces and budgets, high-end landscaping, an in-ground swimming pool and a kitchen island with appliances create an ideal place to entertain family and friends.

To get you started on building your ideal outdoor room, here are a few tips:
* Decide how you will use the space. Will you entertain family and friends, or use it as a relaxing hideaway for yourself?
* Create a wish list of features you want your outdoor room to have. Clip photos from magazines or keep a notebook of ideas.
* Consider your home’s architectural style, so your outdoor room design complements your indoor space.
* Work with a specialty retailer who can suggest products and guide you on your final plan.
* Sketch a layout of your outdoor room with the fireplace as the focal point. Then blend in the cooking and eating areas.
* Consider the foundation, such as retaining walls, fences and decks.
* For large-scale projects, implement your plan over a two- or three-year period, beginning with electrical and plumbing. Accessorize the space during the second year, and add landscaping last.
Once your outdoor room is complete, you won’t want to spend time anywhere else.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Eight municipalities in Adams, Weld and Boulder Counties and now working with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to consider significant expansion and rerouting of Colorado 7 to accommodate future development and transportation planning. Under review is the section of highway stretching east from Lafayette, bordering Broomfield, Erie and Dacono, and that runs through sections of Brighton. The municipalities and CDOT are cooperating to raise the $700,000 needed to complete the planning. The goal is to determine where additional lanes, realignments, traffic signals and intersection improvements are needed. CDOT will add $350,000 to the funding. Brighton officials are very interested in rerouting around its downtown and to mitigate high volume, high speed traffic. Locally, Lafayette and Erie are cooperating to reroute the highway north along 119th Street to Arapahoe, mitigating the nearly 20,000 vehicles that pass through Lafayette daily. Once funded, the study will commence in January 2008.

Source: BARA/In Region

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Local Real Estate 1st Quarter Report

Local Real Estate Report
1st Quarter 2007

Housing market stats for the 1st quarter of 2007 have been tabulated and show some pros and cons over the 4th quarter of 2006 as follows:

Q4 ’06 Q1 ’07 Q2 Forecast
Average Price $456,100 $469,000 ↑
# Homes on the Market 1,821 2,180 ↓
# Homes Sold 782 659 ↑
# New Homes Built 51 47 ↑
Avg # of Days on Market 107 124 ↓

In the Boulder area marketplace, we are continuing to see homes being sold at a higher than average pace and price range than that of the rest of the nation. The market is correcting itself however with some price moderation; the percentage of asking price vs. sold price remains at a respectable mid 90’s percentage range in Boulder County. Combined with historically low mortgage rates, home sales should continue at a steady pace – people still need homes!

The region added 5,900 jobs in the past 12 months. More jobs could also be added based on the weakness in the dollar, which helps the U.S. exporting companies. The forecast, as reported by Lawrence Yun, NAR Senior Research Forecaster: “Best guess is for home sales to show a year-over-year growth by the 4th quarter. The momentum will strengthen in 2008. Prices will also show a respectable rise in 2008. The market just needs to pass through the subprime loan implosion in 2007.”

Source: Information and Real Estate Services, LLC